Technical Tour
Hyundai Heavy Industries Tour
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), located in Ulsan is the world’s leading heavy industry company, expanding from shipbuilding to offshore plant, engines and machinery. Since its foundation in 1972, HHI has maintained the leading position in the world shipbuilding market and has become a responsible global company by contributing to the sustainable development of the world economy. A yard tour to experience the unique history of HHI and the ship building sites will be provided.
Date | April 5(Wed), 2023 |
Time | 01:00 PM ~ 06:00 PM |
Tour Course | Tour of Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) |
HHI Location | 1000 Bangeojinsunhwando-ro, Dong-gu, Ulsan, Republic of Korea |
HHI Website | |
* The participation fee is 20,000 KRW and lunch box will be provided. The registration will be on-site.
“내국인의 경우 등록 시 선착순으로 참가신청을 받습니다”
* Tour schedule may be subject to change.